Success is stumbling from failure to failure

Success is stumbling from failure to failure

If success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm is true, then I'm definitely in a failure slump. Recently, more than one creative project has left me feeling disappointed and again wondering why I bother to create anything. I know all the answers to that question, having been here before, but when you've invested months of effort and your "how am I gonna salvage this" plan lacks passion, what's one to do?

Soon I'll be visiting friends and family in another state. A change of scenery may do the trick. Walking away may create a clearer perspective. At the moment though I see only dark clouds. In the big scheme of things, I understand this moment means nothing. There are far greater challenges in the world. And that makes me want to cry too.

Thanks for listening.

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Am I a dud?

Am I a dud?

The Spanish moss is exceptionally fine on this steamy morning walk about my quiet neighborhood. With a mile to go before returning to the second cup of coffee waiting for me, an old woman driving a golf cart approaches. Just before turning down a side street, she whips a U-turn to come alongside me and says, "Hey, did I ever show you the tree that grows shells?" I stopped momentarily to say, "What? Who are you?" She ignores my questions, points repeatedly and demandingly to the passenger seat and says, "C'mon, get in. I'll show you. Get in! C'mon!" I slowly shake my head sorting out whether I should see this phenomenon or keep walking when I notice the gallon gas can on the passenger seat floor and imagine the regret I'll likely experience when it spills over my feet from her erratic driving. 

Again, shaking my head no, and returning to my walk, she hollers, "Never mind! You're a dud!" She accelerates down the side street of her original intention, and I hope that whomever she bullies next won't be called names for lack of cooperation. As she drives away, I note the rather unhappy brown teddy bear strapped in the back seat looking at me, and suddenly I'm pleased with my decision. 

Am I a dud? Apparently, some think so. We are often quick to judge, myself included, especially when we perceive someone is uncooperative. I may or may not have ungraciously retorted as she disappeared into the morning mist.  

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