Choosing love over fear

Choosing love over fear happened to be the central point of a chapter I was reading today in “May Cause Miracles” by Gabrielle Bernstein. Although her point was concerning the ego’s role in body perception, I was more interested in applying this sentiment to everyday life.

Because until I choose love, nothing gets done.

Fear stops me in my tracks with the ego saying, “You can’t do that. You know there’ll be problems. It’s not worth the effort. Save yourself the disappointment. Go have a nap.”

Of course, when I choose to love my work, every roadblock or problem finds its resolution even if the result doesn’t closely resemble my original vision. I love how the work evolves along with my learning, acceptance and problem-solving.

This happens all.the.time. And still, the work can be satisfying, sometimes extraordinary, and always magical.

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Make it up as you go

Make it up as you go

Intangible yet immeasurable, collecting experiences suits me.

Hubby and me, we make a good traveling team. Having named ourselves the Traveling Swordsmiths, we set out to see the USA over the last year fulfilling a lifelong dream. Fully expecting to use the extensive amounts of free time to write lots of blog posts, create a travel journal, and send daily postcards contributed to feeling some disappointment when, upon returning, found many blank pages yet to be filled. 

This stage, winding down from months on the road, had me feeling lost, longing for a map, and wondering what's next. After all, wasn't one purpose of the road trip supposed to answer that?  Having seen, heard, and tasted much, how could these experiences be put to use? What to do with this expanded form of being?

Make plans, of course! Follow a process. Or better yet create a different method. Using Sunday afternoon workshops, daily meditation, phone calls to friends and coaches, reading written journal looking for the patterns of the most energized entries, helped dissipate the sense of not having done enough. Then taping sheets of watercolor paper to the wall, opening pots of colorful paints and markers further created a shift from the typically dry, linear, left-brain analysis to a more creative, artful plan of action.  

A plan of such clarity and value, one can't help but get behind it. Er, in this case, get on it. Let's go!

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Contribute something

Contribute something

"Contribute something regardless of its scale." 

That first sentence of my manifesto, written with the intention of motivating creativity without being held back with my typical excuses. The thing isn't grand enough. I've never done X before. I should research further. That won't work because of any number of unfounded fears.

Maybe its the cold winter months coming on, the slide into the dark season that has me second-guessing. Or perhaps I'm getting more creative with my excuses! 

The tender seed of thoughts and ideas need light and air. The least I can do is place them in a sunny window and observe what happens. 

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A Manifesto

A Manifesto

Are you familiar with Holstee and their awesome manifesto? I recently signed up for their (very affordable) membership to add to my mindfulness toolbox. Guess what? Their welcome kit includes developing your very own manifesto, identifying what you value most. I found this process enjoyable. The end result is below. A personal, mindful, value-filled declaration I'll reference regularly until its time to write a new one! 

P.S. I put my face on it to, you know, claim it and hold myself accountable. 

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