Headliner lessons

Headliner lessons

CITY TAKES AIM AT DERELICT BOATS was the headline in our small town monthly. You may feel sorry the boat fell on hard times. You could speculate on what the boat did wrong. Or you might be curious about the myriad ways we skirt social or community issues.  Beat around the rocks as it were. 

If we aim at the boat, do we minimize the vessel owner's dereliction of their marine responsibilities? Is it merely the editors' headline tactic to get attention or are they preventing offense by labeling inanimate objects rather than people?

When we're trying to make a point, how do we balance diplomacy with truthfulness? If we soften the accusation, do we care less or more? 

When I use discretion in daily life, am I doing better because now I know better (as Maya Angelou teaches us) or am I better at caring? 

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To tell the truth

To tell the truth

There may have been pickled relish trays on the employee Christmas banquet tables that evening in December some twenty years ago. I don't recall. I do remember feeling full of the holiday, the season, and later, that celebratory night, delight mixed with reticence at being the focal point of the traditional after-dinner skit--a modified and fun reenactment of "To Tell the Truth." 

Do you remember that mid-twentieth century TV sitcom? Its where contestants discover which of three persons (two are imposters) is the real personality. The guessing game ends when the moderator says, "Will the real so and so, please stand up?" The characters taunt the audience a minute longer with false attempts to stand. Eventually, the real person rises fully revealing their identity. 

So often we can't or won't see ourselves as we are. Blinded by doubt or longing to be something other than our most authentic selves, we look to trusted friends for reassurance. Is there a better way of knowing oneself than having our good friends' qualities reflected back to us?

Near the end of the banquet table, there are no more chairs. It's where the life-long quest to define who or what or how we are in the world, isn't an empty, pointless, and unfruitful endeavor or nearly as uncomfortable as we thought. It's the end of the table where they've placed the most sumptuous desserts, and it is where we've found our best selves standing. Instead of hesitation, there is sweet, courageous independence of telling our truth. 

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